The Bruce R. McConkie Story 

By Joseph Fielding McConkie

Synopsis: A biography of Bruce R. McConkie, apostle and one of the greatest scriptorians of the Church, by his son Joseph.

Strong Points: This book has great information in it, some of which serves well to clear up misinformation and myths. The chapter on the book Mormon Doctrine, for instance, is extremely interesting as well as a blow to the critics of that monumental work. Very interesting book.

Weak Points: I would have liked to have been told more details, and more insider information. For instance, when the book mentioned that Elder McConkie was asked to speak on assignment by the First Presidency on a controversial subject, and Bruce made a joke about going to be tarred and feathered - I would have liked to know particularly which talk that was.

Interesting: 5/5

Must Read: 4/5

Overall: 4.1/5


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