The Making of America

By W. Cleon Skousen

Synopsis: The Constitution of the United States is an inspired document established by God as a pattern of freedom for the world. God "suffered [the Constitution] to be established...for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles" (D&C 101:77). He said, "for this purpose have I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose" (D&C 101:80). This monumental book undertakes an exhaustive study of the principles of freedom which are found in the Constitution. It contains historical background to set the scene and also a clause-by-clause interpretation and commentary of the entire Constitution, using the very words of the Founding Fathers.

Strong Points: This book is jam-packed with important information, and is excellent for fulfilling its purpose - educating its readers about the Constitution and the vision of the Founders. For these reasons, it may not be out of line to consider this book one of the most important political works of our generation.

Weak Points: Because it is so comprehensive and exhaustive, the book is very long. This is not a bad thing, but it takes a strong resolve to undertake to start and finish the entire thing.

Interesting: 3.6/5

Must Read: 2.8/5

Overall: 4.6/5


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