Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith
Synopsis: This is the classic collection of Joseph Smith's teachings gleaned from theHistory of the Church, the most impressive repository of Joseph's teachings in existence. For years it has been a standard in Church literature, and contains a wealth of Prophetic teachings.
Strong Points: This book belongs in every Latter-day Saint home and should be read by every member of the Church. A must read for all! Do you want to gain insight into the mysteries of the kingdom? Then read it, obsess over it, memorize from it, love it. Next to the scriptures, it can be considered a standard by which to measure doctrine.
Weak Points: The book is not entirely complete, as the fact that subsequent volumes have since been published about the teachings of Joseph Smith attests to. Utterances like those found in the Words of Joseph Smith (from the Nauvoo era) are also incredibly valuable but missing from this book. The newer Encyclopedia of Joseph Smith's Teachings is more of a catch-all for Joseph's sayings, but is arranged completely different from this book. However, no shortcoming is great enough to make this book any less than 5/5.
Interesting: 5/5
Must Read: 5/5
Overall: 5/5